Good luck! Looking forward to see it done :)
I used to run this for a long time in my southlands army list (6th edition) and I still use it occasionally... It is very random and obviously...
Nice work you got there! I agree with the terradon rider, and a suggestion would be to make the skink hold something in both hands (waving a...
The army restrictions seem to be very similar to the ones we used to use way back in 5th Ed. Warhammer... ahh the good old days!
Hey guys... it's been awhile since I last posted here (thesis and legal practice taking up most of my time now :shamefullyembarrased: ). Was...
Thanks crimsontide, As to the CoC, I would like to keep them for some flanking manoevres, and they will be aided by the terradons and...
23 people have seen this post till now, yet nobody has left any comments. Please leave your feedback and comments so I may amend the list...
Hey guys, the National Tournament is just round the corner (next saturday) and I was thinking on using a slann list. The point limit is 2000...
Pics are always welcome! Looking forward to seeing more of this...
Hi guys, Its been a while since I last posted, but seeing as I have been (and still am actually) verrrry busy it is a bit hard to keep up with...
Hey Barotok hope you didn't get the whole concept wrong re strewart's sig!! Usually, in various forums (or fora), when someone says something...
Yeah I know that declaring a charge when you know that you are out of range is illegal. However, this rule is rather lame, though I can see its...
Here is the situation: I wanted to charge a giant with my cold ones, and such a charge would have brought me within 8" of a night goblin unit...
Definitely signature material this strewart! :) :)
Don't forget that GW is after all a business, so by making the good stuff expensive, you either have to buy them or do without them. Anyways, when...
Another idea might be the narration of the great catastrophe through the perspective of an elf under the tutelage of a slann. I also have an idea...
First off... remove the individual points costs of the items or you will have the mods breathing down your neck :rage: Here are some suggestions...
Welcome to the forum and congratz on the good choice of army! Not only are the models a beauty to behold, but gameply allows for a variety of...
For anything ancient, I usually use cheap plastic minis that you get in a box of 50 for about 5-10 UK pounds. If you want a preview of what's...
Perhaps it could be a recount of a skink scribe. He would be keeping a record of the events that occur. A bit challenging to effectively carry out...