Thanks snowywlf, that clarifies things :) And welcome to the forum!!
From the hot and steamy rock in the middle of the mediterranean - Malta! For those of you not acquainted with my homeland... The Maltese Islands...
Don't really agree with this either. Burning alignment does take place in the magic phase so I would strongly argue that damage is magical. As to...
Got a question on these lines... can a character be given a magic weapon and a great weapon in addition to the default hand weapon? I was in a...
Hmmm... not so sure on this. It is the slann who would be, for all intents and purposes casting the spell, so the skink being in combat does not...
Ok, so in the case that a steg is partially hit by a flame template, your opponent rolls a die and on a 4+ he hits all the parts of the steg? Or...
Not so sure on this interpretation. After all the horned one is listed under the magic items section so it would follow that the same rules that...
So in no way can a template weapon hit more than 1 'part' of the model? (example, you can't hit the steg, priest and a couple of crewskinks with a...
Can a slann cast a magic missile through a skink priest mounted on a steg which is in combat? My question revolves round the issue that since...
Hey guys, I just need a little clarification on what happens when a stegadon gets hit with a template weapon. How does randomisation work in this...
The LL.B. is 3 years here too but it is practically worthless since you can't really practice law with the LL.B. The best you can hope for is to...
Eagleblaze, so where you live you can practice law after the first degree? Here the system is a bit tough... 3 years for the bachelor of laws,...
Thanks guys! Much appreciated! @ strewart - looks like you know the feeling mate! Finished uni? I still got my 6th and final year within which to...
Thanks for the feedback! The tusks are a bit pale and i had initially planned on making them darker until i realized that rather than bone those...
Hey guys, I just finished my uni exams (hopefully these were the last set of exams... FINALLY!!!). Back to painting some minis :) before...
Re: Aranigej's Painted Minis Thanks for the comments. Yeah it is based on the regular version, but I really don't mind as long as it looks nice...
@ silversquire, I was planning on painting my models on that scheme so it would be great if you could post some pics so I can get a look at how...
Re: Aranigej's Painted Minis Exams are finally over so I had some time to get some painting done this week. Here is my finished palanquin. Hope...
I do use the statuette occassionally, and at times it has given the much needed victory points near the end of the game. I usually try to keep it...
I could be wrong here, but the diagram in the rulebook seems to indicate how single models on a monster base (50mm) move. Doesn't really...