Great looking figures mate! Especially like the basing. I intend to try something similar using greenstuff to make flagstones. My idea was to...
Great colour scheme blackhawk! As regards to the quality of the pics - are u still using your phone? If you are using a camera try arranging the...
Good observation and useful tactics you got there Caneghem. As regards to the chameleon/terradon issue, I have always had different roles for...
Thanks for the calculations guys! Gives us all a good picture of our odds with the scaly ones.
must... resist... noodles...
Local games tend to be very magic heavy these parts (12 power dice and the like). First off you need to see the chances of facing heavy magic...
Aye... lost cause it is :)
Or i type really fast ;)
When posting on different threads I am being prompted with the following: "You cannot make another post so soon after your last." Is this normal?
I think what the guys are trying to explain is that it would be easier if you do one of 2 things: 1. post the pics directly to this thread 2....
What do we need to do suppe?
Believe me strewart, I tried every trick in the book but none seem to work. Guess it's an 'opposites attract' thing. Apart from this (and the...
I've been trying to get my girlfriend into the hobby for YEARS but still no result :( Consider yourself verrrrry lucky mate! I sometimes need to...
Good observation :)
Re: Skink Commandgroup Great work! As others have already commented, the standard bearer seems to be missing something. Just a thought, perhaps...
Will be looking forward to seeing more of your work! I'm seriously thinking about basing my new LM models on your colour scheme and start my army...
Nice work! Especially like the water and the bamboo :)
Great painting skills you got there! And your colour scheme fits in perfectly. Also, the basing is very good! As regards the cold one, I can't...
Well done for the painting! Great work there! @ asrodig - I think that shield you are referring to belonged to a dwarf in some remote past. Think...
Yeah suppe sorry to tell you but that is the old army book. It is still a nice read and also as a painting guide I still find it relevant but in...