wow my eyes hurt.... :mad:
quite nice u should really paint it up though and add some flock/plants.
Re: Here's my Lizardmen army so far...(Carnasaur Finished !!!) nice stuff their.... ive recently done 1 thing and ime working on a entire board...
luv the red dkink and poisen darts,what he mean by quill is the crest...the bit u painted purpele on top of his head ;) otherwise looking good!...
thanks for all of the replies....loving the wife story cant believe somone could pull something like that of hehe :)
sorry so far people havnty seem that bothered about it but could i get a pic without out a lamp..ime guessing thats what makes it so yellow i cant...
i am so doing that next time i go..helooooooo lizardmen sandcastle city....!!!! :D
god that would so suck....
Re: Farsights army painting hey guys i guess ime a prime culprit of buying all the cool stuff 1st, trust me i had a slann carnie,steggie and...
tankyou very much, ill try and get one of the items you reccomended over the weekend and see if i can post something up. ;)
Hi guys, i have a question regarding stripping minatures, ive looked arouund and all i can find is the american version...simple green any one...
Re: Here's my Lizardmen army so far...(Carnasaur Finished !!!) hey any chance og getting some piccies on those terrain your making. :D
Re: Farsights army painting just me , though i would reccomend giveing your skinks a second coat of iceblue(or whatever colour you used) it would...
Re: Here's my Lizardmen army so far...(Carnasaur Finished !!!) i think your steggie and oldblood is amazing.i was just wondering what are the...
Re: Rokanos' WIP Lizzy Host im am truly amazed with your salamander, i think you should easily go to a contest with that :D once get your camera...
personlly i go for big toady or fly=die :rolleyes:
really like the colour scheme on your purple and yellow skinks. dont worry im not using it though :)
hmm i love the staff did u sculpt that because i cant recall seeing it any where before.
lookes amazing, i have done a simalar terrain except i used a waterfall and pools instead of a river,i too have also done a tample, love to see...
really love your army its looks awsome,i was wondering, do you sculpt your bases. I especially love lord croaks base, its really nice.