Here's a thread on the best looking white lizardmen I ever saw:...
Yes, Krentz's stuff is awesome. I'd really like a readily available Coatl figure from somewhere. All the best one's have been out of production...
I'm thinking of picking up the death bird - great mount for an Old One.
Re: Godel's Painting Log Agreed, I'd like to know what the Krox model is as well.
Or they 99% can occupy all miniature producing companies until they drop their prices!
Stumbled across this quite accidentally. Love the paint scheme and proxies/conversions:...
Wondering if anything new has been done on this army - one of my favorites!
Any updated on the painting of this model?
Ebay is always a good place to start. If not, you could always see if someone around here has any extra laying around they would like to sell.
Re: Here's my Lizardmen army so far...(NEW Rikard's Old Blood) Awesome paint job. I second that I will have to be ordering one of those soon....
So, how do you like the size and detail of the model so far?
That's the resin one that I have. The base is metal, the rest of the model resin. The model is highly detailed and its bigger than any of the GW...
They are very hard to get a hold of, but if you can find the Ral Parth Shadow Run feathered Serpent (either the metal model or preferrably the...
I know the lizardman tyrant is the exact same hight as the 6th edition krox. I have one as my champion and it fits in perfectly. However, the new...
Re: Here's my Lizardmen army so far... NEW Wip Stegadon :) Any chance of seeing your Scar Vet by Rikard painted up?
Re: Legion of Abraxas - IMG Heavy (update w/Carnosaur +more) Thanks! I've done quite a bit of painting a long time ago, but not much in the past...
Re: Legion of Abraxas - IMG Heavy (update w/Carnosaur +more) A question on your shading. It's been a long time since I've painted anything and...
Re: Legion of Abraxas - IMG Heavy (update w/Carnosaur +more) Long time Lizard player, first post on this forum. Dude, this army is awesome. I...