elite isnt a bad option. With a breath(16) attack it makes a difference. Also gives you elite and vicious in combat which lets you get the most...
When i first started KoW i thought it was boring as well. At around game #10 i started to discover the different tactics that exist in KoW that...
KoW is designed to be a tournament game and functions brilliantly as one. The only thing i find that i miss is the flavor between armies that...
i searched for a while for rhinosaur mounts and these were the best i could find. Still a little small for large cavalry, but the riders fit on...
very cool conversion on the skink chief. i might have to steal that idea lol
i used the bottom one for mine.
i have run triple lekilodon before. It worked really well. They are great at grabbing objectives. Also with three ypou can focus fire on one...
i used schleich pentaceratops models, mounted saurus bodies, and temple guard heads and arms.
https://goo.gl/photos/tmmTWerhqkZeNLh18 link to photo of my rhinosaurs
Havent tried this list out yet, but i really like the looks of it on paper Horde of Salamander Primes Regiment of Ancients Troop of Ghekkotah...
i believe there is a thread in here with pictures, i'll see if i can find it
i used the schleich pentaceratops model.
I think the problem with salamanders is there are not as many competitive builds as compared to other armies. My other main army is the Herd and...
im really high on teh list and havent recieved a pm. HAve they been sent out and i was missed?
i have been needing motivation to get some painting done. Thinking this is it
Seems like that discourages people from playing armies out of uncharted empires. Are you sure thats how it is? At an event around here they had...
how is it handled if mantic doesnt make models for the army? Like say all the models that mantic makes a model for in my army were mantic but...
https://goo.gl/photos/aNCvMbqmNsaYPofi6 Here is the link to the picutres
i havent posted mine up there. just took some pics. will post up soon. For some reason the sharable link to my google photos isnt working