Wanted to try something different and came up with this. Saurus oldblood, carnosaur w/ swiftstride, charmed shield, talisman of preservation,...
There really are some tactics. Do i think i will end up playing AoS over KoW? Probably not, but if you refuse to try it you really cant give a...
my carno was fighting a hydra and needed some help so my razordons shot the hydra and did a crapton of wounds. seemed like an easy way out
So i got my first game in tonite. I played my lizardmen vs dark elves. We set a 7 scroll limit and aimed for around 70 wounds. Here were the...
added 10 dice to my order. edited original post. Looking forward to having some lizardmen dice :-)
Only time static red should break you is if you are stuck in a challenge with a unit champ and the cold one kills him before the old blood can attack
If you want a stubborn block of saurus there is always Gor ROK.
Death mask, Gemini black-blue gold, 10 Death mask, Gemini green-purple gold, 10 Death mask, Scarab jade-gold, 10
I like it. Its really unique. I would put a ward save on your oldblopd tho
No dawnstone? It really makes an old blood nasty. Also chances are that flame banner will screw you over in one game. If you run into character...
Take charmed shield on the flyblood and u should be fine
I hate to be that guy but i am really not a fan of your list. :( Here are some reasons why -as much as i hate it lizardmen need a slann or...
i am in the same boat with my skink skirmishers (i have 20 painted with blowpipes). Are you planning on taking the OB out of the cold one unit?...
i have never used ETC so i cant say whether i like it or not, but i have used swedish a lot and i really enjoy it. It results in much more list...
I'll give feedback on both lists. Is this a comped or uncomped tournament? Cold one bus list: I would switch piranha blade to sword of might...
If fantasy goes unbound I think you would see everybody using a comp system like swedish or ETC. Straight unbound would be horrible
I disagree. Combined profiles mean mounts get access to ward saves. I see WoC dragons with 3+ wards rerolling 1's in the future. charmed shield...
[img] Finally got around to posting a pic of my carno
Recently took this list to a 2500pt swedish 6 game tournament and it performed very well (i won the whole tournament:)) It was run using rules...
Havent used COK with the new book yet. When building a;list it usually comes down to either them or an ancint steg and i always take the steg...