Yeah I seriously doubt we can count on all of these rumours coming to fruition. However I bet at least half of them end up being true. I really...
that deserves a golf clap lol
Here is the list i plan on taking to the US masters Slann, bsb, focus of mystery, becalming cogitation, soul of stone, harmonic convergence,...
also always take a champion. if you want to take out a character cahrge in single file with the champ in front. all they can kill is the...
Anyone else here going? Would be awesome to put some names to faces.
I have had a lot of sucses with this build stegadon helm of itza, luckstone, potion of foolhardiness, spear, light armor, shield, on a ripper...
Long time reader of the forum but i think this is my first post lol. Looking for some feedback on this list Slann, bsb, focus of mystery,...
i have been using units of 10 skinks with 1 krox lately and for 100pts that unit has done very well for me. They are great at killing other...
This old blood kit out has worked great for me. I put him in my templeguard sword of anti heroes, other tricksters shard, armour of destiny, and...