I guess it makes more sense to take Harmonic Convergence instead of a dispel scroll.
Slann Mage Priest General BSB/Harmonic Convergence/Channeling Staff/Beclaiming Cogitations 395 points Saurus Scar Veteran Great Weapon Armour of...
So should I change Wanderling Deliberations/Dispel Scroll for the Harmonic Convergence & Channeling staff combo
For Harmonic Convergence & Channeling staff combo I need to free up some points fast. Too be honest I'm nervous (A rock thrower goes off and...
Ok I see it in the rulebook now.
Should I drop the Bastiladon for this?
Sadly, I don't have any Salamanders models. How can I do this? Not sure how.
I was thinking of using Wandering Deliberations to cast the signature spell of Fireball on his Trolls unit. Then Lore of Beast signature spell...
Really depends on his unit placement. He always plays two large units of Orcs, and one larger Goblin unit, two Orc chariots, and at least three...
Orc's and Goblins.
Final thoughts on this list. I go to battle tomorrow at 4pm. Slann Mage Priest General BSB Wandering Deliberations/Beclaiming Cogitations 380...
So you don't need to cast for this? Sorry for the newbie question.
Question on Beam of Chotee, what is the casting value of this?
Thanks!!! That clarifies it a lot. I always get confused with light or heavy armor along with magic armor.
Saurus Scar Veteran Light Armour, Shield and Great Weapon Armour of Destiny on Cold One 166 points So should I add a Dawnstone too?
How do you field your SV? I'm curious. :) My game was pushed back to this coming weekend. Can't wait to play.
I was hoping to use the Rippedactyls to attack and kill those bolt thrower units. I wondering if I can just get by with two units of Chameleon...
I'm I able to run a SV with a unit of four Cold One Riders? Or does the unit have to be over 5 so I can add an SV on Cold One? Should I take out...
Thank you.
Can you point to were this is in the rule book? I can't find it.