Shoot and run. Got it. :) Thanks for the advice. Will change/update my list shortly.
Yes, I wanted to my sure my scouts are in position to shoot or attack round one. I can't afford to wait till the third round to engage in combat.
I might need to make sure my Shink Skimishers take out his Spider Riders quickly. If I can get rid of this bolt and rock thrower quickly that...
For sure going to use those scouts to take out the bolt or rock thrower. My opponent normally fields three of those. I hope to use the...
Slann Mage Priest 300 points Saurus Scar Veteran Light Armour, Shield and Great Weapon on Cold One 116 Saurus Warriors unit of 35 Warriors...
Yes, thanks I forgot to correct that.
What's the point of having Saurus Oldblood for an addition What ward save would you recommend? So far I have Saurus Scare Veteran on Cold One...
This is why I wanted to use the Egg of Quango, unfortunately that is only one use. I wanted to try and flank any bolt or rock throwers that my...
Yeah, those points add up very quickly. Cold Ones unit over Carnosaur? Carnosaur looks fun, but will be a shooting target nightmare.
In your experience is Gor-Rok a fun character to field. Would you field a SV and Gor-Rok in a 2250 point game?
What are your thoughts on Chakax and Gor-Rok?
Orc and Goblins always outnumber me. If I take a charge and try and flank a unit he will just double flank me. I always had success using Cold...
Yeah, I need a ward save on him.
Indeed. As I reading the rule book for Lizardmen chills are doing down my spine. :)
I'm a MOD on TFW2005. :)
Slann Mage Priest 300 points Saurus Scar Veteran Light Armour, Shield and Spear on Carnosaur with Egg of Quango 342 points Saurus Warriors unit of...
Hey guys, rookie here. I'm a new Lizardmen player, I've been playing Dark Elves for years. I was wondering what you guys think of this army list?...
I'm still playing 8th edition, using the 2009 rule book.
Yup, Shattered Glass Ravage. :)