Looks great but I cant help but notice it would fit well in your demon army guess it going to be hard to come across to the green/blue side. But...
If you are worried about the brigtness of your washes you can make your own one part paint one water and one a good acrylic floor wax (Pledge one...
For leaf litter I use rooibos tea have a look http://www.adoretea.com.au/Rooibos/Rooibos-p79.html Redeyefrog
Maybe the spittle propells the dart rather than a traditional blow pipe where air is used. Hmm this could keep me up at nights dam reality.
Think of them more like the spitting dinosaur of jurasic park just a bit more directional rather than a tuber player.
The web site is http://www.hirstarts.com/ they make cool molds for fantacy buildings just look under their products for large floor sections.
Best product I have seen for reproducing Glass or water for that fact is called Glass Coat it is an Australian product. One coat of this stuff is...
For a Salamander nest I would make the nest out of a coal like substance and have it glowing like a BBQ with hot rocks this shouldnt be to hard to...
The grey scheme is great any colour you do for weapons or jewellry sticks out like the preverbial.... redeyefrog
One thing pictures pictures and more pictures. Redeyefrog
The newest section for painting are the paint logs these might be a good place to start in these you can see the armies and paint schemes develop...
Welcome and HI You have definatly come to the right place for your answers you will get a lot of ideas on colours just going through the painting...
This has given me an idea for a piece of terrain for my jungle an obsinite quarry redeyefrog
You could give your slann a Medative Budist feel by mounting him on a nice flat rock which you could have "floating" by attaching it to a flying...
I was right have a look at this web sight to have a look at a mold for a toy soldier www.themouldmaker.com and I dont think they use a die...
As far as I can remember they use a cenrtifugal casting method that is why they can get the finer details. redeyefrog
If You really are not too much into detail there is always dipping you can always spray the unit one color and dip it in shading check out the...
Careful sounds like it could be addictive. Good Idea for a fun quick game.
No problems its obvious you needed to cleanse the chaos influence before you can follow the old ones plans any way looking forward to seeing your...
Hello and greetings , in the mean time would it be possible to show some of your nurgle painting as I find it interesting in comparing the styles...