Re: Iggy Koopa's finishing touches... (Updated 12/29). Brilliant work Iggy including your base filler you definetly have a unit to be proud of...
Look at n810 topic on magnatising the steggie and you can have all the options Redeyefrog
here is the left side [attach] redeyefrog
Thanks Strewart you have given me the idea that I will have him crashing throught a stacked stone fence which the hapless victim was defending....
Re: Iggy Koopa's finishing touches... Love the basing on the carny as well as your painting and your conversions on the skinks the only...
I was going to give myself a break from painting saurus so I decided to start my convesion on my steg there is still a lot of green stuff to do...
Re: Here's my Lizardmen army so far...( Temple Standard bearer ) Would you mind expaining the colors you used in the jade I can see that you have...
Iwas not going to do any more posts till the unit was finished but I am always happy when I finish a standard. [attach] [attach] [attach] Redeyefrog
Best I have seen was in the skaven web sight using rats and lots of rubble each large base a diorama
I am not sure I will try looking from another computer to see if I have any trouble they are on photobucket. Redeyefrog
Hi just thought I would share with you a cheap method for creating flag stone bases [attach] its not the painting that imporant this is up to the...
I use washed beach sand mix with fine cat litter (bentonite) just shop around for the grain size you want its also sanitized and pre wash needless...
sorry too much rum chest p3 moldy ochre washed with sepia highlighted with sepia mix with moldy ochre wood menoth white base washed with sepia...
The eye is going to be the tie in for the unit. the green goblin green base washed with dark angle green mix with one go wax then hilighted with...
Thanks for your comments I have darkened the spear and modified the sheild [attach] [attach] hope its a better shot of the chest Redeyefrog
Here are some pics of my Saurus proto type any suggestions would be appreciated and could any one tell me how many in a 8th edition army unit....
Re: Farsights army painting I Like the eyes , if its not too much meddling you could use a wash on the teeth it would help sepeate them and...
Gratz and well done. and all while your not on holiday Kudos
Re: Farsights army painting Might help the figure if you just complete the eyes you can use a very fine felt style pen to do the pupils just a...
Just one word Brilliant.