I Like it it gives me confidence to continue with my scheme as your base colors are the same. cheers
Re: Here's my Lizardmen army so far...(Carnasaur Finished !!!) Looks great love the color scheme the base looks good and adds to the model as...
Thanks any suggestions on saurus I am kinda stuck weather to go with a completly different scheme or go the green posssibly with soot black snouts...
As promised here is the finished unit. [attach] [attach] [attach] [attach] [attach] What do you think
could you please tell me the colours you used in the cold ones flesh do I detect some flesh tones in there. I think the model is excellent.
Well done nice color scheme gratz :D
I was thinking that I would try to capture the look of the Johnson River crocodile (for any Non Australians a fresh water croc )white belly to a...
I really wouldnt want to play against someone who it mattered to after all its only a game as long as you let the opponent know. These figures...
I was thinking I am kinda happy with this I can add variations to the skink unit by varing the hightlight and shading of the scales to give...
thanks again for your inputs I tried what Strewart suggested [attach] I was not that happy with it I think the scales looked washed out or the...
No there is an actual frog called the red eye frog I think its some kind of tree frog its got a yellow underside and the eyes are a lot more red...
Thanks for the reply a wash I think might be the go kinda make the skin two toned upper much darker under the scales I will give it a go latter.
Iam new to the web site and would like some advice on this color sceme that Iam experimenting with I got the inspiration from the red eye frog. Do...
Hi I chose my user name on the inspiration for the color sceme for my skinks. I have been wargamming scince the 1980s. I have been browsing this...