Sorry for being picky and pedantic, but 35% is MORE than half of what he was expecting..... So all up... A bigger maths fail
Hey you guys! [IMG]
Also finished some terrain I've had for a while although I still need to base them or perhaps create a diorama for each Cemetery gates [ATTACH]...
Ongoing project - my Punga Tomb Kings Blood bowl team Coach [ATTACH] Priest [ATTACH] Crocodile skeletal head Ushabti [ATTACH] Jackal ushabti...
There is ALWAYS time for a Chaos Dwarf blood bowl team !!!
Just had to borrow this from Nightbringer [IMG]
Whilst contemplating my mountain of grey and looking at my existing armies I have realised that I really need to re-base many of them as a lot are...
The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy: [IMG]
Mine. I enjoyed painting this mini [ATTACH] [ATTACH] [ATTACH]
Someone knows their history... On a side note: During medieval campaigns, because of the lack of hygiene in encampments where toilets and cooking...
Awesome work
My wife and I watch a lot of crime doco's. They are usually about murders in America We have a running joke when anyone goes missing or is...
Its a cat thing.....
I found this hilarious!
Started painting the skeletons and markers for my Punga Tomb Kings blood bowl team. One of the mummies for size comparison. They are huge. BIG...
I was on a small plane trying to land on a grass runway in southern Nepal. We had to go around a second time as there was a herd of goats grazing...
My wife and I actually talk in a funny voice for our cats. Although they do swear a lot.