I hate that. Linguini is the worst for this...
My two old school Slann. I must have painted these over 20 years ago..... I also have the latest one but still on the to do list for painting....
I always thought 'Soylent Green" would be a good name for a professional recruitment business... "Soylent Green is People!"
Its all about the garnish....
Vallejo Model Colour "Pale Sand", washed with GW "skeleton Horde", then highlighted with base colour again
Finished my lizard blood bowl team including Greebo big guy.. [ATTACH] [ATTACH] [ATTACH] [ATTACH] [ATTACH] [ATTACH] [ATTACH] [ATTACH]
More importantly, top left ....[IMG]
I did this mid-year. It certainly cuts down on storage and space. Placed them in plastic containers with identification on the front so I can see...
Been there....
I bought into Pungas Northmen kickstarter a while back. After it was finished I waited and waited but hadnt received my two teams (chaos dwarves...
That is funny!
And she was lucky to get that!
I love these. Steampunk !!
Thunderbirds are GO !!
That gave me a good laugh
The finished board... [ATTACH] [ATTACH]
Started on a display base for my Khorne Blood Bowl team. On looking at this photo I realised it needed MORE SKULLS. It now has a lot MORE SKULLS...