Flocking should always be done last, after you've painted the model.
Yes. The Tau Battleforce is one of the better ones, although you might not have much of a need for the Stealth Suits. Maybe get a couple...
That is a shame, but it makes sense when you think of how many more Magic Items are in the BRB now. As long as they keep the ones that are really...
I can almost guarantee you there won't be a Nakai model, simply because he's not in the Army Book. In fact, I don't think he's even mentioned......
If you want them to be bright and vibrant, then you should make sure the wash flows only into the recesses, without staining the main color of the...
Green would look good. Or maybe even something crazy like blue. Or perhaps a darker shade of grey with green scales. The possibilities are...
I would prefer a Coatl to a Thunder Lizard, but seeing the Toad Dragon from Forgeworld, I wouldn't mind seeing them do a Thunder Lizard some time too.
Lords Slann (Lore of Light) -Focus of Mystery -The Focused Rumination -Battle Standard Bearer -Cupped Hands of the Old Ones Core 30x Saurus...
I noticed that too. Maybe they changed the recipe? Still does what I want it to though.
Some more pictures if anyone's interested: Take note of the little guy in the bottom left hand corner of the first two shots. Does it look...
I'd rather something like a lance-wielding Saurus riding a smaller Stegadon than a juvenile Carnosaur. Something like this: [attach] And how about...
A ghoul lunged at Ax-rodriq. Hefting his shield, the Saurus parried the creature's swipes, knowing that even a superficial scratch from its filthy...
Looks cool. Are those Chakax' legs?
Ax-Rodriq nodded in agreement with Huaroc. The cave-in had probably sealed the entrance, preventing them from turning back, and it was entirely...
((Dice roll 4))
Ax-Rodriq nodded in agreement with the Skinks. If the Magic One was determined that left was the way to go, then left it would be.
The only real trick to putting them together is to dry fit them and pin them so they stay put together. Put a little drop of paint on the contact...
Wow, that's like, three or four of us now. :)
((Yes, just the one. So if my maths are correct, there's only 2 left. Have at 'em, boys!))
With a swipe of his tail, Ax-Rodriq knocked the zombie off Huaroc. The force of the swing spun the Saurus around, and the zombie lept over the...