Re: Rokanos' WIP Lizzy Host You've got quite a nice looking army so far! I'm quite jealous. I'm looking forward to seeing more pics of that...
Here's another WIP shot of my Slann! [attach]
I use Scorched Brown, but I really like that bamboo idea. I might have to paint up a couple spears to see how it looks.
He definitely can. Just make sure it's modeled to have everything that the Stegadon would have and nothing that it wouldn't. For instance, you'd...
Yes. You can't field them without their mounts, so the points for the mount are included in the base point cost. You can't put Chakax on a...
Using Tehenhauin is fluffy for a Southlands list. And since he has the option to be mounted on an Ancient Stegaon, then that would also be fluffy....
Ax-rodriq swung his sword in a deadly arc at one of the skeletons, however it was surprisingly swift and it dodged the attack. Using the momentum...
Mostly just because I like dinosaurs. If I was smart enough, I would have been a paleontologist. There's tons of dinosaur bones here in Alberta,...
((OOC: I'll just wait until we're in full battle-mode))
Ax-rodriq quickly assembled his gear and handed the squirming egg to the leader of the strange Skinks. He made ready to follow the Skinks to their...
It took several hours. I don't know exactly how many, but at least three or four, excluding the base. To make the base, I first glued a piece of...
An update! On my Kroxigor! [attach] I like how this guy turned out (he looks better irl than in the picture, trust me), especially the base. I...
Ax-Rodriq took the opportunity to clean his equipment. Carefully removing each weapon and piece of armor, he sat them gently on the ground and...
I am rather unimpressed as well. Anyone can easily make better looking command units from spare parts from the Stegadon kit, and I was really...
Roaring, Ax-rodriq charged at the beast from its flank. He threw himself to the ground to avoid a swipe from its mighty tail, and then rolled out...
Ax-rodriq grabbed one of the silver swords from the wall and tested its balance. Satisfied, he then went to inspect the died turtle bone with...
Welcome to Lustria! I look forward to seeing your pictures.
Nice. The only thing I don't like are the swords - they don't really fit with the Lizardmen style.
I stopped buying sand a long time ago. I use cat litter or ground cork.
I love that base, but maybe the skin of the Cold One could use a wash of Devlan Mud or something...