Awesome job on those Salamanders! We'll have to meet up some time so you can give me painting tips! :P
Here's an update on the Slann: [attach] Obviously, I'm still not 100% done - I have some detail to pick out on the palanquin, and a bit to finish...
I would say yes. I'll ask the guys at my local GW for their take on it today as well.
Re: Here's my Lizardmen army so far...(WIP converted 5ed Cohort) Nice work! :D
Great painting all around. I'm with strewart on the movement tray, though - it'll probably cause more problems than it solves. Still looks really...
Re: Carnosaur WIP It looks really good! I like the modifications to the saddle you've made.
Re: Lost Temple Bases from ManicWorkbench Those look great! I'll have to have a go at Milliput myself! They even have a points program, so you can save money after you've spent a lot there. They ship pretty fast...
That is true, since the models' type is always that of the mount.
I used a piece of garden bark as a rock, which was very easy to drill through and put a pin in.
Lookin' good!
Personally, I find Salamander outperform Razordons every time. Which is a shame, because I do like those Razordon models a lot too.
If you need a tutorial on how to do this, look no further!
This was FAQ`d I believe. Too lazy to look up an answer for you though. ;)
Welcome to the site! Feel free to ask any questions you may have about the game, as the community here is pretty brainy when we get together. :D
Very nice job all around.
Definitely. A Hive Tyrant is the best HQ, but if you want to stay away from metal as much as possible, then one can easily be converted out of a...
The thing is, they both can be effective if played correctly, and in the right tier. To be honest, Necrons need an update a lot more than either...
You need Slann-viagra. But seriously, you may have to get a little creative. Lots of people, myself included, have sculpted a more scenic base,...
Definitely try it out. I started playing 40K as well about a year ago, and it's an okay game. You're right in that it's quite a bit simpler and...