so small pics but looks very nice! keep the good work
hey good one! but why you miss the musician?
Man youre so good at this.... I just hope I can reach your level someday.
omg too much boobs I cant handle!
Re: Ghost lizards Hey mate , your idea is great! I think you should go on on that ! also add some good conversions and it should look very unique.
Re: My first lizardmen (updated 11/10/2009) Thanks everyone for the replies! Right now im finishing the squad and I will probably have finished...
Re: My first lizardmen (updated 11/10/2009) Posting closeups as requested! Dumble if you want one of an specific angle please say :P
Nice army and colour scheme :) It looks decently painted and with solid layers. I would suggest you to make some 'blending' in the cold one's...
Re: Dumbledore's Army (terradons) Thanks a lot on that! It will sure help me with future skinks crests and i want to try to blend some...
Re: My first lizardmen (updated 11/10/2009) hey there! I started on lizardmen this summer and those saurus are all what I have painted. I...
Re: Dumbledore's Army (terradons) Dumbledore i really like your blending. Can you please give me some steps to follow to make it like in your...
Re: My first lizardmen (updated 11/10/2009) Well if you mean the bases itself I know they suck I did them pretty badly... I really need to...
Re: My first lizardmen Update: There are some new recruits and I decided to take some more pictures! enjoy. only 5 minis left! I...
Re: My first lizardmen Hey I would like some advice relating bases. I dont make it very good on my lizardmen.... i dont know if its the dry...
Re: My first lizardmen Hey there and thanks for the comment! for the shields I start with scab red and black ink. Then going with mechrite red...
Re: My first lizardmen Hey there thanks for the reply! Yes I understand you... when I was younger I started in warhammer with an ork army and I...
Re: My first lizardmen another pic: I can follow the thread perfectly, i dont see my pictures disrupting it o_O
Hi everyone! im new to these forums and I recently started painting an army of lizardmen. I always wanted to have an army of these guys and now...