If kroxigors are indeed S5 (my bet that this is just a wishlist after all, but..) if theyre indeed S5 then 50PTs is just right i think :) unit of...
50pts for kroxi... PF doesnt make them so good to keep this price. Trolls are way better for 45pts or even the simple ones for 35 theyre even...
Re: The new book: Everything in one place! [updated 29/07] idont trust that guy "who spoke" to vetoc. S4 for template is way too good. even if...
Re: The new book: Everything in one place! [updated 29/07] well it depends on the wording. and if it will be a 6+ then sudenly lore of metal...
Re: The new book: Everything in one place! [updated 29/07] i bet you gat as much extra atacts as much 6 you roll first time, but this works only...
He had a chance to look at book and only think he looked was points?? How about TG, can they choose H&S or they have to have Halberds like now,...
Re: The new book: Everything in one place! [updated 28/07] i have all the oposite opinion :D i never play skrox as i find sauruses better than...
Re: The new book: Everything in one place! [updated 28/07] well -1LD made them 16% worse in succeeding in test.... LD5 is esencialy LD 6.5...
Re: The new book: Everything in one place! [updated 28/07] Hmmm, did anyone heard something about loremaster for slann? Because i checked all new...
Well yeah mayby we can pay for this site?
Hello, I think i could help, but i would like to know how much space does this site take up? (it would be good if moderators would tel it or...
Re: The new book: Everything in one place! [updated 27/07] If its 320 its bye bye carno for ever. I mean com on 320? if its with tooled up...
Re: The new book: Everything in one place! [updated 25/07] Oh and i would like to know what is this regadon? :D it is spoken of near the ancient...
Re: The new book: Everything in one place! [updated 25/07] not only in combat but i think its more usable in combat that is 2d6 rather than...
Re: The new book: Everything in one place! [updated 25/07] well 3 atacks for trologodon is really really bad :/ he will be good only for one...
Well this is disapointing. Or the stats were changed. Stegs were really pricy and did virtualy nothing :D i hopped they will be quite more usable :)
Does this mean the price is left prety much the same or its changed quite abit? not a native english speaker so i dont understand :)
Sorry guys but is everything in our army op? i mean you cry about that, you cry about another. jezus. Everything is fine with slann, with...
Agree totaly. Im afraid that because of whiner they will nerf slann alot and salamanders will be bunked down to not shoot if marched or something....
ah yes you might be right its too late. Hope we will remember in the future that we should write our expectations as lizard players to them...