any thoughts how to wrtie it to GW :D if they even read what players write them :D
i dont know if anybody said it, but it would be cool if theymade our new mounstrous cav skirmishers :) This should work great in fluff as in...
cool idea, i would buy ~25 of them but i would like black dice with white dots :) if thats not possible sorry folks :)
With the new pricing i predict that i will proxy alot :D
Definetly bad news for me :\ hate finecrap, hate new prices. And to think i thought about new army... forget that fairy tale.. And what should i...
ok the problem with my friend is that he insists that because i have scouts i dont get +1 for deploying first because i deployed scouts last... is...
Dwarfs all the way. you rule in every aspect of game with them. Magic slann dominates that, dispel phase dwarfs dominate that, shooting...
that man must certainly though that it was aprils fool da. i mean 5 years for abook? what is he trying to fool? 1 year is the most that could be...
they really should do that, that would be only logical. But hey its GW. If they realease one by one they get more $ so they spit on our gaming and...
no coments? :/
theres a Baltic Open FB 2011 - tournament coming, so me and few frends are going there. So there your army can be made from 2 armys, with ally...
OMG!!!!! the best thing!!! so smooth. only one thing that i can rant about is that when youtake magic items or special abilitys like slann...
man i hope its true... please please bring us to the 8ed level. and something new and terifyng, that they would fear us once more. not like now,...
i mean really... (for those that not know the stats: it costs 50 ranked skink price. or 20saurus warriors + full command Stats Move 7-6(dont...
dam it... now they go even more down in my book.
slamandar yes as it is warbeast and in warbeast section theres written that they do have that special rule, but in monster section there is not...
Hi, Do these guys have swithride rule? on charge 3d6 discard the smallest? Some how i though they have it
just a superb carnosaur!!!!! I would like to know the colours you used for carno, i really want something similar :>
yeah bought the carnosaur today, quite smaller than i thought... it doesnt look like S7 to me when comepering with other new monsters. But when...
Well i used similar death star only with 3 scar vets :) some were with GW other with magic weapons to get alot of atacks. and it worked wonders...