How about writing up a Lustria Online carnosaur fighting game a bit like the Bretonnian Full Tilt jousting game. Where different Scar Veterans on...
White Dwarfs Reviewed: This is a checklist to show which WDs have been flicked through to provide the above list. Right now it is heavily...
4 Anakins from different stages in his life.
Is there a resource on Lustria that lists the issue numbers and articles they have that include Lizardman stuff? If there isn't would it be ok to...
I've written up a couple of speculative lists for them in the 750 point unit. A friend and I said a bunch of years ago that we'd play a battle...
That sounds like a really good idea. Not to mention the first pic in your link is a really nice looking set of old school Kroxigors. I'm...
Thanks, the greens and blue left them a little closer to the Saurus and what I want for the Kroxigors than I had planned. Hopefully that won't...
TERODACTYLS SMALL DeeZee Miniatures DZ31 28mm Wargames I haven't actually used them yet, I've been holding off for when I base my 90s Terradons...
Ok I think the Salamanders themselves are finished, once I get the handlers done I can post a picture of them to Itza as my first entry :D [img]...
If you wanted a bat-like lizard swarm there are some pewter baby terradon models on ebay. I bought some a couple of years back for basing and...
Working on getting my Salamanders and handlers finished this week. The one with the orange isn;t finished yet, I just need to get the other two to...
The reposed Carnosaur looks really good.
I've been working on some non-Lizard Fantasy stuff recently, hexwraiths, daemonettes, etc. But I did find the time to put the washes on a skink...
I've had a lot of fun messing around with them. For Fantasy stuff I've decided to use them for magic stuff so they get put on wizardy things and...
Ok so I was curious how the soulstone would look so I painted up a skink with Soulstone scales and while I was doing it I wondered how some...
One quick and easy way to get your bio-luminescence bits is to paint the model dark like you are planning, then paint the luminous bits in bright...
Hello to the cold blooded. I'll be using this thread to post various WIPs and finished things. I have a lot of Fantasy stuff to paint but I can...
I saw a really cool looking Stormcast that was painted up like the Statue of Liberty. As for blue stuff moulding, I have also been having some...
Yes I suppose it would be a bit unfair on the Elves for them to take all the hits just because they're the ones physically under the template on...
Thanks that is really helpful. I wasn't sure if the BRB rules for this were going to be under general principles, shooting phase, or war machines....