Solid result . 1 Basti made it on 1st turn thanks to the stegs alpha ability and hemmed in some Dryads and Hunters with Sythes. Plus the Scar vet...
Posted a Draco tail ideas in army lists. So much shenanigans to be had ☺
Have borrowed a mates thunderquake to practice with but after the recent faq love the Draco tail shenanigans you can now pull Weds I'm at my club...
Lord Kroak-General (450) Slann Starmaster-Incandescent Retrices (260) Saurus Astrolith Bearer-Prism (160) Saurus Scar-Veteran on Carno-Light of...
You could drop the Starpriest and Chamo Skinks for a Starseer.. Then you'd have everything you need for an optimised Kroaknado as Kroak could be...
I was using Kroak in Draco tail before and it's definitely gotten better! I think dropping those Razordons and swapping the cold one saurus to a...
With no nerf I kroak is still our most competitive choice. I'l be experimenting without him though and keen to try out Draco tail list as it's...
My lists have gotten my loads of friends though.. haha
Sure thing , I'll work on it tomorrow
Managed to table them as well ☺
Won 20-7 on scorched earth against Bonesplitterz EotG was awesome and mvp for the chamo skinks
with the new one for sure! double attacks is sweet as!
mobility over damage output is the thinking, plus the slann may roll reroll 1s for his constellation making up for the lack of Astro :)
The worry with no Kroak is how to deal with high armour and the best in here is -1 rend. Your bastis have snakes or lasers? I'd include at least 1...
I've been playing with Kroak for 9 odd months, so i'm used to low model counts :) This is more than I'm used to lol
Taken a little time off playing to reset my batteries this month and have my first game for 4 odd weeks tomorrow night. With an FAQ looming and...
Thank you. It did feel dirty. In the end I wish I'd of used kroak!
I qualified for the masters and knowing the field I was up against and tje likely aarmies (KO, vanguard wing) my kroak list would have struggled....
If you can't beat them, join them. Pump out more mortal wounds than they can deal with :)
You just do what you can with what you have! It's a difficult match up, no magic way to put it in your favour with the tools we have available