Basti's with snakes
Most efficient battleline/perhaps unit in the game. Each guy can potentially cause 4 wounds a turn and with their special saves they tank a lot of...
I agree, I'd expect to see tzeentch being less represented if more Fyreslayers pop up, as they are a hard counter to them. Guess we will have a...
Awesome job against those KO.. You are right, worst thought out faction in AOS by a country mile.
He's less important in a quake list than he is outside of a quake list as you get value out of the rerolls available. the list is designed to...
They won facehammer gt and they're popular now
Coronal shield on a character and you have a potential -4 to hit.. all the debuffs. Shame we can't ally in a frost pheonix for -1 to wound as well
My pleasure pal
It's been doing well here in the UK. Low drops, hyper mobility and easy/consistent combos (little rolling required). Dull AF though
Ps: welcome to lustria ☺
I saw your idea of a relictor on Facebook and thought that was a good call. If you have room for another 220 points you could include 2...
Consistently is key, it's why Tzeentch (can choose what they roll), Vanguard Wing and Fyreslayers are top tier atm
Yeah, this is my main worry. But Fyreslayers don't have the tools to deal with the Slann how other armies do and it is to try and counter them....
Next years early season will most likely be dominated by Fyreslayers and their Vulkite spam lists (AOS for dummies). A Kroak based list doesn't...
I have 25 knights and the Scar vet carno being built :) I certainly have, been playing around with this concept and...
in a competitive setting, having the choice is very important for an army based around Kroak
No balewind? Kroak is impacting the game turn 1 with 1!
Loos solid, Prime and Basti maybe a nice trade off for the 9 Rippers I had. I'd consider dropping the 2 Dons and Priest to have an extra 160...