I reallt like spears but i use HW and shield sometimes in combat like when charged by someone and i need to survive
Re: Farsights army painting My first 8 saurus (Sorry i have been very lazy and have only 8 saurus completed. I painted 2 today...) [attach]...
Hi everyone i have already painted my scar vet, skink priest and some saurus. I'm going to update this topic when i get new units/models painted....
i dont have any basing stuff yet but i'm gonna get some
Hey try this one Jabba the frog :D
Now, here are the new ones [attach] [attach] [attach] [attach]
Thanks, but all other models i have painted are 8 saurus....
Sure, my camera works a bit better now ( check http://www.lustria-online.com/threads/my-skink-priest.5414/) I try to take better pictures and i...
Well i have painted my skink priest who is really my first skink model painted(!!!) so its not so good looking as those who have painted for long...
This is one of my first saurus models and i'm not very good at painting yet.... Please leaave comments to it(the quality is not the best and i try...
Wow really great conversions, i wish i had slann on salamander and skink priest on horned one too...
I dont have terradons yet but i'm going to buty some soon because i read about them in army book and i really want to try how they work against...
Both heroes cost exactly 125 points :D
Yeah, i really could use skirmishers as chameleons. Nice idea :D
That's true i just bgean collecting lizardmen so ireally dont have many models and all my lists are made from that i have expect the slann
This is my brand new 1000p list. Please leave feedback. Heroes Scar veteran piranha blade light armor skink priest lvl2 itxi grubs Core 17...
I dont have 8ed so can someone tell me what glittering scales do and its point cost?
where you people find glittering scales and aura of quetzl I cant find them anywhere :jawdrop:
hmm nice and on other saurus unit (24 saurus) you must mean 6x4 not 6x3. I would take one less salamnder and take more skirmishers instead
Re: Rokanos' WIP Lizzy Host Really nice painting and the scales are very good and the palanquin is great too