agree with walach its odd that dwarwes charge almost same as skinks and skinks move 2x faster
Hmm I think i play with the 7th edition rules until we get 8thed army book
really nice conversion :jawdrop:
okey thanks a lot
wow nice army list have to try it myself some time too
you dont need to put point costs and items and special rules but it is still decent army list
Btw, what is BSB i dont know and it really distrubts me
This is my army for small games. Please leave comments. Heroes Skink priest lvl 2 itxi grubs Core 11 skinks(skink priest) 10 skink...
the reason i have 12 saurus is that i have currently only 24 saurus
My armylist for 2000p Battles Lords Slann mage-priest UP, HSoC, TH Plaque of tepok, divine plaque of protection, War drum of Xahutec Heroes...
ok, but i thought it was right but if it isn't its fine for me
well the lizardmen armybook says you must have 2000+ points
Hi, im pretty new at painting but i have collected 40000 miniatures a year and now i have begun collecting lizardmen army. I have already some...
Good list but you cant have slann on 1500p he is lord choice and can be taken on 2000p+ lists