Well done sir, well done :)
Agreed, very cool.
pot of strength on the old blood is one idea. S5 isn't going to cut it in some circumstances. I assume the 30 skink skirm are 3x10? The saurian...
Didn't the reduction in LD on skinks make this kinda scary, double flee could panic your core nearly 50% of the time?
Agreed, 30 saurus 5x6 and the rest skinks seems to be the best use of our core.
I had an extremely experience player talk strategy with me and he was explaining that lizardmen (unless vs a gun line) should be a turn 5-6 combat...
Not a big fan of soul of stone, its pretty rare to save you. Earthing rod is way better but takes up the arcane slot. I just run naked and...
I would think giving someone MR2 would be fantastic in that bus to give ward saves vs lore of metal etc.
I'd have to vote you try 1 Slann and 1 Tetteko far more reasonably costed.
Dont forget to take the three javelin stand and shoot shots with the remaining skinks.
They are equal points
Welcome, its a good community here in Lustria pretty active boards.
Glad to hear it worked out. From a theory craft standpoint you did spend 280 points on magic. Thats almost a naked slann. Throw a scroll on the...
I would think with all those SV and OB and bunker of 7ish cold ones would be well worth it.
Yeah predatory fighter is the big one I'm glad my gaming group ruled in my favour. Rolling the dice in two separate groups is just silly and...
I'd say wandering deliberations. Searing Doom, Death Snipe for those problem everything, and Wild form Heavens on the priest probably is good...
death magic/searing doom from wandering deliberations or high magic SV with a great weapon should be able to take it down eventually But my...
Any other lizardmen battle reports you've done?
Great report thanks. Yeah my slann hasn't been great lately either. I feel your pain
Yes he could declare to not use the level 4. but then its a straight roll off he could certainly lose. If he brought a level 2 wizard that would...