It's like they didn't put enough plastic into the mold. Should be taking the box back tomorrow, or my mum will. Possible chances they will give me...
Was going to build some Canoptek Wraiths, I opened the box and only have 2 1/2 bases, one base is only half plastic. Well another trip down to the...
Built a bit more of the Necrons Lychguard today, also my local GW did a massive AoS showdown, a bit like the 40k Apocalypse games. Some armies...
Brought some Necrons today, going to be doing what I have planned for them, replacing with the beast skulls and doing some cracked textures with...
The Rourvuk are known to be obsessed with precious metals, jewels, anything that is shiny. It is advised not wear anything shiny in case it...
Well thought on making sure this thread doesn't get too dusty, haven't had much time on working on this army, still got a few fluff pages to write...
They released a video that explains the Forbidden Power a bit more, they mentioned Teclis and at the end they mention powerful beings within the...
Thank you all! With the eyes it was done with Pallid Wych Flesh glazed in a green with a white pupil, can't remember if it was Pallid Wych. Should...
Just going to leave this WIP here. [ATTACH] Finally got around to painting something
Yeah it felt a bit meh, the lion creature for Underworlds looks a bit like something that will fit with the Elves, another would be Stormcast...
Nope, no new Lizards for Blood Bowl, didn't they show Halflings before? Dryad looks interesting though
I think there will also be some Blood Bowl alongside Necromunda, maybe some Blood Bowl Lizardmen? Trying to think who is next in terms of teams...
Time is going very slow waiting for the Age of Sigmar previews. The new Daemons from The Horus Heresy look good, why do they remind me of Kroxigor...
Going to build some Bat Swarms and Fell bats later on, going to decorate the bases for the Bat Swarms. Hopefully it will blend the rods in a bit....
[ATTACH] Hmmmmmm, that looks like a lot of snakes/cobras. Sotek called, he wants his snakes back
Editing a Lion Chariot image to test out a colour scheme at the moment, it's mostly the chariot I want to work out itself. I will be sitting there...
I have this weird feeling that Death will also get another book this year, with the rumour engines and a small bit of text was found mentioning...
If I recall, this was posted in the Skirmish book that was published ages ago [ATTACH] I still wonder about the statues, or is it just some...
Waiting on the weather to improve a bit so I can spray some models, also thinking whether I should pick up the Furies, I like the models and they...
Many thanks! Do have plans to lineart and colour at one point. Maybe if I'm more willing maybe a 3D model also but it might end up being just the...