Sleep tight and don't let the bed bugs bite! XD I've noticed! I am interested in the lore, and I'm reading the Ferrus Manus: Gorgon of Medusa...
I JUST noticed the collars around the Capybaras (or stand-ins for Salamanders?); love the small details that add up! :D
I've had a change of heart regarding the colour scheme I was going for in the first place. I am also going to use Clear Water on the bases to add...
Awesome! I'll check it out right away! :D Thanks for the tips and hints Crowsfoot! I greatly appreciate it! :)
My Spanish is bad at the BEST of times, so could you perhaps tell me what it is called? So I can search for it. :)
One can NEVER have to many of them! And thanks! :)
I've tried browsing online for those brands, but the websites I've found haven't filled me with confidence, and/or haven't offered shipping. Could...
I've contemplated purchasing an airbrush for some time now, but I am a total novice, so does anyone have any suggestions as to what I should be...
I was thinking along the lines of the Dinoriders teveshow; dinosaurs that carry around canon-esque barrels that end in the prism/crystal! :)
Wouldn't a Bastilidon going full armadillo or hedgehog be unique? Or giant prisms on both sides of the Bastilidon, as opposed to the crystal on...
That could possibly be the most epic thing I'll see this year! If I squint they almost look like Necrons! :D
I've begun painting seven more shields, and I decided I wanted small splashes of colour here and there, so the tassels (or whatever you wish to...
I love the look and feel of them, but you should make their arms and hands a tad bigger. They are the muscle of the Seraphon after all! :)
I intend to have - at the least - ten Skink Skirmishers done by the end of the month. And if I get the chance, paint up the Skink Starpriest that...
The Riflemans Creed, as made famous by Full Metal Jacket! Or, in this case, The Carnousaurs Creed, as made famous by Cromags! I am a bit of a...
Valid point! I'll leave it as is in that case.
Thank you! I hope it'll all work together once I've completed them. Glad to hear it! I am contemplating adding a varnish to give it some shine....
I decided to give the tutorial for Jade Weapons on Warhammer TV a go, but on a shield, and now I am debating which colour to use for the 'knives'....
Hello! Thanks for the welcome! I got a small conversion and a test for my colour scheme up on my blog here. Just got cracking on a few more Skink...