I will agree with LeapingLizard76 After all, you do not want to lose the best wizard in the game for the sake of a couple of hundred points I...
Hi I have never played pole playing game before so was just wondering how it works? What is involved? And weather it is too late to join in?...
Witch do people find more effective Razordon or Salamander
Very Interested (emailed some friends about it hope they will be interested) but might need some time to get the models And defiantly won’t be...
I pledge to make my 24-skink skirmishers this month
Re: posting images hi is it possible to upload a pic from my pc thanks
Sorry I cant up load a pic so I have up loaded an avatar of the skink chief
I have recently started to collect Lizardmen so am still trying to work out my army list and do not have many models yet However, one of the...
Thanks Any tips for a lion chariot I have a friend who seems to think high elves cavalry can get impact hits Can someone please clarify that he...
Does anyone know whether it is better to have lots of small units of jungle swarm (say 1-2 bases per unit) or a couple of large units (say 5 bases...
I used to collect dwarfs so am familiar with the tactics of a gun line army But have recently started to collect Lizardmen (i know nothing about...