Seems that everyone gets a reduction.
Lets wait for rules to be published)
Indeed, but what about some more future models? What if we are somewhere not so far on the horizon? Maybe like half a year, or 9 months?)
Seems that most armies have point reductions. Hopefully, we are among them.
After reading the article I still have no clue when it is chosen)
So far they have never retrieved core allegiance mechanics. Only exceptions were legions of nagash, i think. Furthermore, they haven't stated the...
95% I am just exacerbating)
Actually seems like not an informative faction focus. Only 1 rule was mentioned. Seems that we only see some changes to units only in GH 18
According to the podcast we'll have to pay for the endless spells during roster creation, sooooo that alters previous reinforcement points.
You can always find in updated army builder on warhammer community
Put them under hot water and you can fix warped parts with your bare hands But be careful, finecast material is the worst)
Quiet big reduction frankly speaking. Almost 1/3
Kharadron is up and they can retreat from combat too.....Grundstok Thunderers
Shooting is up. Kharadron are next You can delete, already posted
Wow, just wow Never read it that far))) Thanks a lot! Even though I reread it, haven't noticed it)