Well i need to use figures I have, so it will be hard to do what you are saying :) Why is life so bad? i can boost my saurus/skinks with 4T more...
Thank you, have opdate the list again, don´t know about i like it or not, but ill give it a chance :p More advice will also be fine :p
New edit :p now the life slann will stand behind with the 14 skinks, and try hold them behind my 2 bloks and stegadons, and just stand and buff my...
I have made a new list, sadly i dnpnt like it so musch like the other one... now im going to put 2 slanns in the saurus unit? :S or how to use 2??...
Wow ty for pointing out, the turnement threat link to the ETC restricktion, i didn´t notice that, so the list is not legal... damn.... i have copy...
New update, have add what you say :p I really like the list now :p i think the scar veteran will be really nasty in a challange, special in first...
Sry the slann isn´t loremaster, my bad, forgot to remove that, there isn´t point for it, but will may be a good to give him :S Im not home and...
Hey i have try to make a list, i need to use unit i already have, but i have more if you want me to replace som, what i have is: 9 terradons 15...
I play dwarfs, so i know whats iritate me :p Play some chameleons :p lore of death - purple sun, og go to take their leadership down :p Lore of...
Or just run lore of fire on yor slaan :D it´s deadly against skaven ^^ a fire cage is their nightmare :p Fireball do great damage too and can make...
If your kroxigors are going to be in your skink unit? then they count as core ^^ but you need 2 more skinks then, you need to at least have 8...