Goonhammer has an article about the General's Handbook 2022. Interesting reading. Endless spells might be a thing again, as some have really...
These are really cool looking. I wish OPR sold physical models through more than just one source.
All hail the hypnoslann! [IMG]
Yeah, that's a good point. Hmm... For some reason I thought GW has added a solo heroes with just a new boxed set. Didn't they do that with the...
Although I think you may be right @Erta Wanderer, it could be just a one-off hero added to LRL.
Sorry to hear about the ruined Sunblood. That's a clean paint job! Is that contrast? If so, that a VERY clean paint job! Well done.
Favorite X-Man. Probably favorite Marvel character.
Interesting, I guess. Seems a little confusing, or at least more rules for me to forget. Lol. I haven't even remembered Heroic Actions & Monstrous...