This is great! Ha ha. Not having red-headed Dr. Crusher in there as Jean Grey is criminal. O'Brien as Banshee (O'Brienshee?) Maybe Worf-erine's...
Well done, good sir!
You are correct that the terrawings go on 32mm bases. This image is from a Reddit post. [IMG]
Ha ha ha!! This guy is never NOT going to get that reaction.
I don't really remember how Lizardmen played back in WHFB, but that does seem to be how Seraphon operates in AoS. I guess that makes our army...
Vince Venturella talked about the AoS roadmap. His last segment was about Seraphon, which they assume will be the big summer battletome. He and...
It is good, and Patrick Stewart is terrific. But I have to say, the George C. Scott version is pretty great!
You tell him, Riker!
I was wondering the same thing. After seeing the warscrolls, I was trying to think if the two unit types (old chamos and new hunters) were...
Welcome to the Jungle @Anemone_AOS. Saurus are in an okay place, but currently not as versatile as Skinks. Not quite as many synergies to spread...
That might be the best place to work... ever. :p
I had a silly thought. I can't remember if someone else has already proposed this. I wonder if GW is just "testing" various ideas with the...
Yes, GW has done that with other hand weapon/spear units. I just hope they don't do "generic weapon" for Saurus, because 2" range is nice. Again,...
Cool! I've wondered if a "flyer list" could do well. I'm sure it's a blast to play. However, I thought you could only have one Warlord battalion?
Yeah, Terrawings have the same attacks and save as the Terradons, the speed of the Rippers, and 1 less wound. But they're also the cheapest flying...
Bummer. I didn't realize that you don't need visibility to charge and melee fight. I guess that makes sense. Total invisibly would be a little...
Hunter Dartpipe Chameleons are basically a variant of traditional Chameleon Skinks, but they have an alpha (so they can issue commands) and a 3+...
I like this. It looks like a pretty tried and true KC list. I like the grubs, too. I won't lie that I'm generally not as impressed with the Carno...
Maybe Seraphon are in line for a fall/winter 2022 release? I think our book would be the only one left after the revealed roadmap. I hope Seraphon...
There's truth in that. GW does change/push the meta often in AoS. But the books I think GW will update haven't been updated in a few years. So,...