Ha ha. It was indeed. ;)
Oh yeah. I both remember and really enjoyed this movie as a kid, too. Good times!
This category is harder than I thought. Like most of us say each week, there are too many good choices. *Back to the Future I-III probably falls...
@Dread Saurian have you seen yourself through the eyes of Clay Beast Creation? It is missing the Mesoamerican accents, but that's not the...
Several good sci-fi movies. This past week's genre makes me smile. :)
EDITS to my Sci-fi list (9/28/22) Stargate: OMG! How could I forget this movie?! I was looking back on my DVD shelf (yes, I'm old) and realized I...
Great movies. I need to edit my "honorable mention" list to add Edge of Tomorrow at least. It is good. BTW, sorry for being so wordy. I really...
SCI-FI MOVIES 1. Star Wars (OT): My favorite sci-fi/adventure movie series. Star Wars made such an impact on me as a kid, like it did for many...
I surmised that "Sci-Fi" would be the category this week. I could almost copy and paste this list for me, but I'll probably still post my own list...
This is just a quick assemblage of some dramatic movies I like. I'm woefully weak in this category. I'm embarrassed to confess that I haven't seen...
Some good ones on there @NIGHTBRINGER. I'll have to give it some thought, because this is another genre where LOTS of movies could fit.
I feel like there should be moisture vaporators in the background. Ha ha.
It sounds like you're running Starborne? Dracothian's Tail or Fangs of Sotek? This could make a pretty solid Thunder Lizard list.
That's, uh.... huh huh huh... huh huh... weird.
A little late to the party. Man, Action/Adventure was too tough! As such, I will skip it (for now). I'm not a huge fan of horror movies. I'll try...
I think many other folks already guessed this, but Ogors battletome is coming up....
It looks great! You could always change the jade green in the throne if you want him to "pop" more. That might be easier than repainting him.
The character's name is Glotl Stop...:rolleyes: