Welcome to Lustria. I agree with @Killer Angel. Coalesced would fit your models a bit better. His suggestions about Thunder Lizards with a...
Congratulations on placing so well at Nova! It's good to see that Seraphon is flexible enough to adapt to the current playstyles. I hadn't really...
That's cool. Would you mind sharing your list(s)? Plus, how was NashCon? I'm pretty sure I saw your name on a site recapping it, but I can't...
Congratulations and well done!
@Lord-Marcus Have you played Kings of War? If so, what do you think? I know there a several gamers out there who prefer it to GW. Thanks.
This needs to be in the Ultimate Harry Potter thread :D
I can't tell if that's a re-sculpted Cold One head, a re-sculpted Kroxigor head, or just a "generic" saurian beast head. I guess the model from...
I think it could be something for Death as well. It has a Nighthaunt or "Cursed City" feel to it.
Wouldn't it be a punch in the gut if many of the rumors were just objects attached to another gargant... :(
Yes, sort of "extra reach". It's not a Saurus thing or even a regular Age of Sigmar thing. It's special rules for this season of AoS 3.0. Monsters...
Good to know. I've always wondered about that with miniature paint brands. Thanks!
Ah. I thought you were licking brushes with paint on them, which I've seen several other painters do. Right or wrong even I lick washed brushes to...
Lol. I know this probably won't stop you (or most mini painters), but I don't think you should lick your brushes. Aside from the binding agents in...
Congrats! So you must have fought a 1000-1500 point battle? I doubt you were using the Skinks that badly. In minimum sized units, Skinks are...
CONGRATULATIONS! Wow, Double-Slann. It couldn't happen to a more Renowned Lizard. That's an impressive piece of artwork too!
I guess this could be something related to Seraphon/Lizardmen. We do like our feather decorations/accents, but the frayed ends of the ropes don't...
With our use of feathers as decorations, I suppose it could be Seraphon/Lizards. I'm just trying to think of what it could be? Hmm... not sure.
Truthfully, this is probably more me... [IMG]
Do you, or does your gaming group, prefer to play with "What You See Is What You Get" or can you make unit substitutions? Part of why I ask is...
The blue-green on the last "Skink Oracle" is beautiful! Would you mind sharing your painting steps/recipe for that?