well there's always the wizard's hat for the oldblood if you guys really want to use a dragon. that's if you can roll for the spell!!
or you can bring 2 and make them choose which one to shoot at :D :beaver:
welcome to a new world. to help you out: skinks will be up to you but it is wise to bring about 2-3 units to the table. its always nice just...
well you really want to start with saurus warriors. they are the core of the lizardmen and they really are tough guys. i would start there. i...
nope. it wasn't. could work. 75 pts to kill a lv1 or lv2 wizard. if its worth it to you then there should be no problems!!
hahaha!!!! now that was real funny :D i really find the kroxigors to be excellent in 8th. bring 6 and rank them up, people do fear the...
you can raise up the dead with lore of life? i was just playing an 8th ed yesterday with the lore of life and i didn't see anywhere on that spell...
kroxigors!!! 8th ed has turned into a combat minded edition and so that's one point for me. also, they can be ranked up and attack from 2 ranks...
Champs are only worth taking if you have the extra points and you don't know what to do with it. other than that, an extra attack is not worth...
the unit takes a panic test when a casualty has been dealt, so only 1 test. if you hit a steg with a salamander, you would have to randomize the...
well if we're all thinking up ways on how to break the unit, we could always try and take a OB on Carno, EotG, and A. Steg. what i tried doing is...
yeah... my suggestion would be to kill whatever character they have with the oldblood first and then let the rank and file guys try to kill the...
I'm in San Diego, Ca !!! and i'm always up for a game! :D
so i used this list yesterday and i actually did pretty good against chaos. so here it is. Slann -bane head -cupped hands -bsb -4 disciplines...
so i guess i'll throw in my opinion on 8th Ed. i played 2 games yesterday against Chaos. i won the first and draw the second but i thought that...
OR.... upgrade your skink skirmishers to have shield and javelin. that's 12 pts. and that 6+ AS would be more than helpful in certain cases.
its a nice list and i think you're going to do just fine with a slann and a priest on an EotG but don't forget about the ring of hotek. it will...
well if it helps, the steg is still standing strong at 41.25 and the battalion box is still strong at 90 :rage:
i agree with strewart. it really depends on what you're using them for. if you're using them as front line infantry then there's something...