i know that this might break the all saurus list but it wouldn't hurt having at least 2 EotG because that 5+ ward save from the engine would...
nope. its my eagerness to field an all monster list!!!!! with a bunch of skinks running around. :D
looks good. now just make sure you can march block and blow everything away with the magic ;)
you have a slann!!! make him your BSB. he's your everything in one model. he's going to be in the center of your fight so the BSB will be near...
IMHO, seems like you're missing something. are you going to be okay if something knocks out that only block of your saurus warriors? there is...
i think it looks like a fun list. but with 3 fighting blocks, you might want to consider a BSB just incase for those, i can't believe i rolled...
:D agree!
terradons has always been on direct buy only for quite some time now. but i was just at a store and they had a whole supply of Kroxigors on the...
well, i don't know about you guys but i always like to give my opponents a choice as to what they want to face. a slann or a OB on carno. most...
well. this list turned out to be pretty good. my Kroxigors were the #1 target of the tourney but at least it took away from my carno and 2...
looks good. just make sure you get to their wizards as soon as possible!!!!!!
i actually like this list. its well rounded. but the only thing i'd say is that if you want to take the skrox unit, i would split them up into 2...
wow. 2 EotG and 2 A. Stegs, plus 3 fighting blocks? i think this is more than a good army to take out warriors of chaos. but i don't think you...
i will always choose the EotG over the A. Steg w/ warspear. although you may get 2D6+1 impact hits, you get D6+1 impact hits with the EotG and...
you need 2 EotG. bring your slann. bring terradons. if that is his list, you don't really worry about his combat blocks all that much. you...
so you have 1 unit of TG w/ slann, 1 SV, and 2 EotG. i have never really seen an army that small. but it sounds like fun!!! i really don't...
i've been preparing myself by using 5 kroxigors in my last 4 games, i don't know if you guys have tried this but man i love it. you go through...
well, if not, they still have to face a S7 T5 scar vet when they crash into my blocks. i really want to change the charm out for the hide of the...
hey there guys, thanks for the response. i know my magic is not that great but what i always seem to do is cast with 1 PD and use the other 2 in...