so this is going to be my tournament list. tell me what you think? Oldblood -Carnosaur -Light Armour -Shield -the Blade of Realities Skink...
strike the dragon with the blade of realities. kill the dragon, the lord will then run from terror from the carno. i know its leadership 9 but...
what i like to do is take my steg and let it take the charge or charge them, you'd be taking about 3 ogres on with 12 attacks coming at you but...
you know. i really don't know how you lost. sorry to say it. i really think you should of come out on top. i would focus 1 steg and 1 unit of...
you know what really sucks. i think temple guard is going to take the fall in this new rule book. fighting in two ranks and lets just say you're...
i think stegadons are still able to take away ranks. they say you need 2 ranks but if GW words it they way they always do, you could make a claim...
what is an ETC tournament? and what are the rules?
i was thinking they should give spears +1 strength when being charged. they basically stand strong and hold their spears out against the chargers...
its not necessarily a combo but i've seen another guy use a unit of 4 swarms and placed them in front of his EotG. the enemy gets into contact...
i love getting the charge and then using burning alignment to knock off some guys and then kill off some more with the D6+1 and then finishing off...
you know. i just realized i should of checked his stuff out. i just remembered that he tried revealing 2 assassins in one unit when i know you...
don't worry. i'm not going to take it out on anyone. i was just kiddin. i love this game and i like to play for fun. i am more experienced...
well sword of striking only gives a +1 to hit and you can't have a magical weapon and an additional hand weapon. i believe that's illegal.
i don't know about how specific your tourny is but at our tourneys we can switch lores in every game. but don't forget!!! we do have (at least...
NNNNOOOOOO!!!!!!! HOWWWW!!!!!! I WAS CHEATED!!!! MY POOR ENGINE. i'm a friendly player. i like to win but i like to trust my opponents...
yeah. i remembered that. i took 1 guy down with me. :D
so i had a two on two yesterday(dwarfs and dark elves vs. lizards and skaven) and well, my team won by massacre but what happened in the beginning...
okay. i know the answer. OLDBLOOD comes out victorious!!!!! 4 leadership tests and he fails the 2nd test!
the skrox was pretty darn effective. i used it to take out warmachines, it seemed to take a lot of focus away from my Krox unit.
i have absolutely no knowledge of the stats on the Abomb. could you guys let me know what it's stats are?? wounds? attacks? strength?...