i like your character selection but i really believe that you need a scar-vet in there somewhere. 1 oldblood and a bunch of skinks isn't...
heylo there guys. so i just finally got my slann and am eager to try him out. i want to know what all this fuss about how powerful the slann is...
right when you start to get a really good feel for this 7th Ed. GW has to come out with an 8th Ed. and i bet it'll be even more confusing. but...
would he be good to use against tomb kings?? you can just target the lynch can't you? i believe he doesn't wear any armour and his army begins...
we'll i'm happy to hear it worked out for you. yeah, i don't think hydra's are really a threat anymore as long as you bring 2 stegs.
you cannot get more wounds than the model is worth. that's just too much thinking now. if the blade is attacking one model, and hits it 3 times....
i think this list is illegal. i believe you need at least 3 or 4 core units. and with Kroq-gar i believe only 1 unit of COC count as core so...
no. its not a good buy. by the way, where are you getting this? :D just kiddin. of course its a good buy. its actually a great buy for...
your list looks pretty solid. 3 fighting blocks sounds good with screens and terror causers. you just might want to look out for flankers. the...
now this isn't necessarily true. the book says that if the stegadon dies, the crew gets crushed by the stegadon going down and dies with it. so...
well with the blade of realities, DE are all high leadership, the only thing that it would be useful for his against a hydra. but a scar vet with...
you don't have to have the chief on A. Steg when your oldblood is on the table. but like most characters, you don't want them running around on...
well i believe now that say an ogre gets removed, then that = 3 wounds for CR. but my main goal is to take out big nasties. if you hit on 3's,...
one quick question. does the opponent have to take a leadership test for every single hit? so i swing and cause 3 hits on a hydra. does he take...
if you think about it, lizardmen is good at 2 things, strength and magic. but the only down side is that you have to pick one. :D
how do you get an extra 4 attacks by making it 6x3? i believe he's running 5x4 because he's using hand weapon/shield. i don't believe he said...
now that's one thing that i didn't know. thanks for that little info. burning blade it is.
true, but having 6DD + scroll, my defense is pretty good. and also what i usually do on my magic phase is take 3 PD and try for IF. if not then...
well he does have one but i don't believe he's bringing one due to knowing that he's basically using up all his points on the bell, furnance, and...