i'm a little bias in this decision here but i'll say it anyways. OLDBLOOD ON CARNOSAUR!!!!! blade of realities is vicious. you'll love it. you...
well i'm glad it worked so well for you. i'm not a big slann fan but more along the lines of a carno fan. but please let me know if there was...
Oldblood -carnosaur -light armour -Enchanted Shield -Blade of Realities Skink Priest -EotG -lv 2 -Diadiem -Scroll Skink Chief -Ancient Steg...
i really don't think you will need the power of diadiem for the slann. you already have 6 DD with your slann and priest. i would consider giving...
okay. so i just got done with a game earlier today and i must say, i'm not using salamanders anymore. they did nothing to help and they are not...
well, i played a dark elf dreadlord on dragon the other day and i was lucky enough to get a charge on it with my skink chief on ancient with...
i like the razordons because it is a S4 artillery dice amount of shots. including the fact that i always use potent of far on them as well which...
well i like to use them in the flank of my infantry as well, most of the time if there is a forest near by i like to move them into the forest....
i could, but i'm just not a great fan of salamanders. i've used them twice in a battle before and they have not proven their worth to me. but...
here is my question seeing how i've notice this happen. why would you take a unit of 3 razordons/salamanders over a block unit of saurus warriors...
nice. i like how the teeth still shows on the cold one riders.
okay. i'm officially in love with this list for my tourny. i just massacred a dark elf monster heavy list. he brought his dreadlord on dragon,...
as a lizardmen player aren't I suppose to be the one who causes fear and terror? why is it that I feel i need to take a fear check now?
well let me tell you how i lost. i allowed a charge from his Ushabi into my EotG. he killed 4 skinks and a wound on my priest. i did no wounds...
Oldblood -cold one -burning blade of chotec -malming shield -glyph necklace -bane head -light armour 0+ AS and a 5+ WS. 4 S5 burning attacks...
so i tried this list out yesterday against dwarfs. the guy had 2 cannons and an organ gun with 20 thunderers and about 4 fighting blocks. i...
well i find them useful in many occassions. and i do want to bring terradons but the only problem is that i don't have them YET :D so they are...
okay. so new revised list. if you still see something please let me know. Oldblood -carnosaur -sword of striking -malming shield -glyph...
that's a good idea. so i can take off the lv2 which saves about 35 pts and upgrade the baby steg. i do want a bsb but i don't believe i have...
so i was planning on using this list basically for a tourney. Please help me point any weak points or good things or whatever. Thanks! Oldblood...