Alright, I've been crunching numbers and to be a lot more effective and get more bang for your points I've come to the conclusion that... we all...
Truly amazing work! Can I borrow your talent for a weekend or two?
HAHA! Nice! I love to play themed lists! Here is one I've played and had lots of fun with at 3000 pts. Lord -Kroq-Gar Heroes -Chief BSB on...
I believe it was Mazzie who shared a pretty cool idea with us for Kroak not too long ago. He mentioned that his gaming group didn't like that...
Question: When the handlers line up behind the sallies, don't they have to cover the back side of the base and then have to start a next rank?...
lol I get that you do a lot of tournaments and you're really good at playing LM but some things you just gotta do for fun and chuckles even if...
I interpret that as one unit of salamanders. So you would be able to field up to three. But it's always a good idea to ask the tournament...
I think you're right. I don't have the books right in front of me but I think the regen is denied if they suffer from a fire attack on that same...
People joke about it a lot but you might also draw some inspiration from Java the Hutt's figure. At least for how the head connects to the body....
Oh I knew he wouldn't in this next game but I know that later on he will. Also, I forgot to mention that the Banner will help against Ogres that...
I've never played tournaments so I may not be the right person to be handing out advise but for the spread I see I think you're going to want to...
Did you get a look at what other races are playing in the tournament? It might help everyone else give you more useful tips and suggestions. For...
Yeah, I'm among the ones who think they look pretty bad. It's hard to forget they suffer from stupidity 'cause they look very stupid... Although...
Ooo that's very nice! I never thought Cold Ones would look so good in red.
You can probably get him a better weapon than blade of tzunki. blade of tzunki is a bit over priced and with a halberd you get the +1 S and a -3...
Maybe the dwarves just didn't survive in the 40k world... I like to think that the Warhammer world is just one of those worlds that are stranded...
Looks nice for what I can tell. You should borrow a camera from someone so we can see it better.
I like the Cygor. You can gear your wizards up to control the magic phase and then add a Cygor to hunt down those enemy wizards. After all...
I know a O&G player that got frustrated and left the hobby and I think it is precisely because of the same reason you stated. He had a set plan...
Actually the Look Out Sir rule only applies to template weapons and then only if there are five or more R&F models not including a champion. I...