Very interesting. I too was still under the assumption that 7th edition stubborn rules were in effect. I'll have to read up on it. On the main...
I like lore of light too! I think it works great for LM. I just want to point out that you're TG will not be getting a 4+ against magic. Magic...
With the way you geared up your first Scar-Vet you might find that your designated Bane Head target might compromise your unit if you were tempted...
Nice battle report. Very entartaining! I love reading these when I have nothing to do at work :) Side note: Just for future reference you can't...
I know for a fact that Skink Priests bless the frogs of the jungle!! LOL, nice discussion. I always like to dispute the subtle flaws and...
I liked your fluff on the chamo skinks on terradons. Makes me think of Avatar when they hunted on the flying creatures (forgot what they are called).
I like playing by the rules as much as the next guy but in this particular case you just have to use common sense and hope that you're playing...
Holy crap!! That was insane.. *sigh* to be young and stupid...
Re: I think war machine hunters are not worth it versus dwar Great advise. Thanks! I'll be using some of these ideas in my next dwarf...
It looks to me like they are giving armies just a few powerful items (high point cost) to kind of push the feel like your army items can swing the...
We will definetly get a big monster or two. It seems to be the trend with every army so far. I was thinking it'll be a Thunderlizard or a Coatl....
Because dinosaurs that's why! >:D
I did enjoy your Lustria terrain generator. Now I gotta find monkeys to put on my trees!
LOL! I love howling MuNKeYs!! :D
The store I go to is pretty laid back. As long as you take the time to discuss your army and make it clear so as to not seem like your cheating...
I see where you are coming from giving your interpretation of "automatically". However, it is also a true statement that if you roll double six...
I disagree, it says that any roll of doubles is cast with irresistable force in which case it is covered under the BRB as an ability that causes a...
Our FAQ says that you can only steal one level of Kroak's spell (the highest) not the whole thing. As far as Tetto'Eko, the BRB says that if a...
Looking forward to the results and looking forward to joining AoD IV. Really sad I missed this one :(
If you carry a lore with a spell of doom it might work against it (Final Transmutation, Dweler's below, Pit of Shadows..).