Maybe post some pics of your paintjob. Personally I use Citadels Wraithbone on every model (except a black paintjob is planned) for it is easily...
Hi, I´m currently painting my carnosaur: [ATTACH] if that tickles the right spot, I could give you a shopping list of materials I used.
Is there currently any way to get a hand on Lastsword miniatures stl files for their Lizardmen Infantry line? Their Saurus and skinks look...
So here is my first attempt for a suitable knight conversion - the skink knight: [ATTACH] Lost Kingdom miniatures Raptor mount with gw terradon...
Hey guys, after a few days of silence it´s time for the next update: [ATTACH] so what happened? I printed every part (which are included at the...
looks like the 3d prints from the total war series. Rigged Kroxigors with weapons would be a pay to print file:...
For my skin I only used Terradon turquoise thinned down 1:2 with contrast medium over wraithbone primer. I shaded some selected parts (between the...
Ok, so you figured out the problem yourself: Your color schemes is WAY too dark. no points of interest, nothing that catches the eye except the...
Hey, it would be useful to know how exactly your current color scheme looks and what kind of war paint you aim to achieve. Maybe try a testmini or...
Well of course I have the "stem" file, even with zero posture and added amatures to redesign the whole model... BUT there are 2 problems I cant...
Hello 3d community! I´ve got a few links and ideas to share: First off my own new Dread Saurian: (free)...
It is quite nice for a scratchbuild, I actually copied his headgear. But after all I felt the need to make my own, because until today there was...
-bump- It is done... I cracked the model into 36! stl files suitable for most resin lcd printers. Roughly 80h spent learning, sculpting and...
-bump- updated thingiverse for the torso files. It´s been 72h printing now and I´m half way through. Working on the model parts and managing the...
So guys, print is running fine so far: [ATTACH] that is 28h print so far. As promised here is the thingiverse project:...
quick update - tumbling forward besides Blender I use windows 3dBuilder, Meshmixer and Chitubox to prepare my files for the final print....
Hey guys, Benji here! Up until now I was just a silent reader starting to enjoy Seraphon miniatures more and more. That will change tonight as I...