The only option really. Being able to switch that ripper chief into a regular rip so you can run 5 from time to time makes for the optimal spread...
Can you deploy the krox on the flanks? I thought they had to be in the 2nd row in the very middle? Interesting idea. Going to try skinks as my...
Yeah! Went pretty well. Went with High Magic just to check it out. I enjoyed trog. Think I'll run a more naked slann in lower point games though....
Would be good on a flank with CoC bus for sure. That's a lot of points though.. Think I'll stick with Krox, or small CoC units and a dash of skinks
I had a similar experience in my first attempt at using the Troglodite. Threw him on a flank with Krox and a cohort. He had 3 attempts to shoot...
I'm trying him out as a flanker with 4 Krox and Saurus. Using High magic with chanel staff and harmonic convergence as well, so hoping to shoot...
^^ This. Confused me during the whole read. Very pertinent thread to one I just started on running a solo slann at 1500 points though! Tossing...
But then I am keeping a solo slann relying on his 4+ ward near my combat lines in an MSU list for the rerolls. Could be great turn 1 against a...
Hey guys. So I may be attempting the impossible (I'm also running a Troglodon), but I was hoping for some brainstorming on how to tool-out a...
Problems with your list: Slaan OR oldblood on carnosaur. This doesn't look like high enough points to run both effectively. Needs more skinks...
Don't worry about challenging, you can assign all your attacks to the wizard from models in base contact. Mostly they are bunkered, so you want a...
Priest? Signature spell is excellent. Chain Lightning and the 4th (forget name) are also good. I usually just go for signature
I would optimize the above numbers a bit more. 5 chameleons is normally 6-8 (is it not?) Also not sure what a single salamander is supposed to...
Magic :jawdrop:
Slaan, and lack of targets. I find we should beat the pants off Daemons (never played ogres so can't speak for them). Other Trickster's Shard,...
I typically keep them behind my main lines until turn 2/3, then fly them out to destroy vanilla knights/expensive elites. They will always get...
The only thing I took away was that troglodon are more efficient than 12 CoC. This actually inspired me to try it! The math is kind of...
Andy basically covered it. I have no idea why anyone would not take skinks, unless it was a saurus themed list, or they were making a saurus...
Skink chief on a ripper is a unit I have wanted to try! definitely would gear him as a hero killer, or elite infantry. Unfortunately he starts to...
I'm also pretty sure empire have cannons.. That would be my first include as an empire player against lizzies