Hey guys! Any tips on situations for reforming your skrox unit 10 wide (or something) to maximize shots/stand and shoot. I really like the idea...
How'd it work? And I was hoping you would discuss a potion of strength build to utilize javelins
Thank you for the advice! I'm not too worried about the priest running around alone, but I might use a cohort or skirmish squad to tuck him in....
So without Saurus to act as my anvil OR hammer in a 525 game, this is what I came up with as an all comers list. Skink Priest lvl 2 22+2 Skrox...
Why not just challenge the runelord? You don't have to be in base2base to do that. I have a question relevant to this! Can a lone character join...
Thanks! Decided to test my lvl 2 Priest against whatever he can throw at me in a 500 pt game
Phenomenal! Digging all your old school models! I'm in the same boat for the most part, just un-modded and painted like a 10 year old did them...
Any tips for Minotaurs without a slaan? Razorgor Chariots too for that matter EDIT// And Skink priest? Or Chief? Can a Bray Shaman be put in a...
Thanks guys! Haven't used this guys since 7th, so very excited to give them a go soon
Looks like a fun list! Thanks man. I'll try it out in my massive campaign after I get a bit of practice with sorting out targets in other armies...
I have a question: When to double tap, when to move? Basically move and fire vs. double tap. Any insights?
*A little late to the game here I realize* So do you run stegs to draw fire as well? I really love the cold ones, so I'm debating a list with...
A few of my thoughts: I actually found skinks spectacular against HE. Throwing sticks at Sword Masters was phenomenal. You're 50 points pays for...
Seriously, Thank you so much for this post! I will be glued to this thread for months to come, I'm sure
Maybe necrothreading.. but I still have more sally questions and my last one wasn't answered :jawdrop: 1) "If/when you roll on the monster...
I know there are some 2k Skink lists running around.. I don't necessarily think they are super strong, but I'm sure they are a lot of fun! The...
I like this idea more. It also reminds me of the squig herders, but with giant death dealing kroxigor (and the slann is the goblin). Pretty cool...
I like Eternity 1 and Prime 2. Prime 2 is probably the best, and most flavorful. In terms of actually fitting an oldblood and a Slann into your...
Skinks really were the biggest draw (and continue to be!) for me. Stegadons are also awesome.. and Slann are bloated toads that OWN the magic...
Re: I think war machine hunters are not worth it versus dwar Yeah, I've been wondering how shooting at warmachines works. Is there not hit...