Re: I think war machine hunters are not worth it versus dwar Any thoughts?
So for charges on the sally from flank or rear, they have to measure to the sally only? That's awesome! I as well have been losing my sallies...
Re: I think war machine hunters are not worth it versus dwar What about in low point games without a slann? Can chameleons actually do anything...
I like the list! My fear with the Skink BSB in Skrox is that they could just focus a few frontline attacks on him, and you lose BSB (victory points).
Still getting use to the 8th edition rules, so I wasn't sure if you could cast burning head or not. A further question: why are fire slann better...
Skinks for minotaurs? I fear them getting charged though and giving the minotaur free extra attacks for later. Maybe a small Skrox (immune to the...
So in summary, Either: A) Priest or B) Priest + Scar-vet if I wanted to run a scar vet?
Flame Cage is what kinda caught my eye in this Lore, haha! What do people do with burning head? I figured I could put Slann in the back with...
Should we be running a scar-vet + Priest in most situations? Or is 1 character enough? All-comers of course. I've been playing an either...
I was looking at the lores again, and I'm still not sold on Death. It looks like Shadow, Light, and Life are the clear winners. However, I still...
Still following and lurking your fluff! Some nice work! I'll post up some of my stuff once our game is over. Can't have my opponents reading my...
What about something tricky like Sword Masters? wound saurus on 3+ (vs 2+), but the higher initiative of the skinks means no re-rolls. Rerolls...
For pure fun I'm going to try: Skink Chief on Terradon -Shield of Ptolos -Opal Amulet -VotFF -Blowpipe as a general in a 500 pt game. He can...
Thanks for the fast reply! So basically he still sucks. To make him bsb.. or as a suicide challenge/warmachine hunter.. Hmm.
Hey guys! So one of these days I'm just going to start a thread to post all of my questions in.. Thank you for continued answers! Skink chief...
Hey guys! So I'm trying to design a "babysitter" Scar-vet to get a unit of CoC into combat beneath a hail of warmachines, magic and archers...
Music to my ears! I'm going to try a Skrox unit one of these days. Still not sure how yet, but I'll play around with them.
Do Krox in a Skrox count towards core %? They don't.. do they :(
Priest? Maybe more Saurus. Probably another Sally. If you know the meta at all, Stegs aren't useless!
Is Divine plaque still safer then? I realize the point difference, but I play against a lot of dwarves, and divine plaque works the same against...