No such thing as too bright. This looks awesome!
I think a bright belly looks cool. Some dirty white and then shaded carefully with sepia or flesh tone, and then highlighted with white. Something...
Then it comes to be that the soothing light At the end of your tunnel Was just a freight train coming your way
All of those look great!
Christian s later (you can move the s to the other word)
Noooooooooooooo! :D (Brace for impact, rant incoming!)
Also noteworthy: There are still people who play AoS wrong in that regard, mostly people who play 40k (at least here). In 40k units that charged...
Huh. I really overread that. :D
Safari parks definitely work for some animals. For others...not so much.
I am torn about zoos. On one hand I am not a fan of keeping animals somewhere else than in their natural habitats, but on the other hand: - a...
Still working on my pyramid. Slowly.
Classic color. It just looks cool and aggressive. :)
It was a well done joke. As a long time member I saw right through it (it was too much of a stretch, that hate of SCE isn't that easy to overcome...
Welcome! Some good points you raise there.
That mossy Bastiladon!!! Love it!
You missed one important thing! [SPOILER] Awesome work!
Reminds me of the Johnny Cash song "Chicken in Black" [MEDIA]
Welcome to Lustria!
You have definitely figured out skin colors. Good job!