Either that or some other unit with the Skink keyword. A Starseer or Priest will trigger the Krox' ability, and so will Razordons, Stegadons,...
Looks about right to me. Properly buffed Skinks in large groups aren't that bad.
Saurus Warriors have a 4+ save now though. That's just better than a 5+ save ignoring rend 1
Yes, it is a spell it ability. The guy reading the book in the video mentioned it. Yes.
Definitely! And that's also the reason why we now finally can make use of CPs, those command abilities finally make sense. Previously I sometimes...
In soviet Lustria mount rides you! :D
Thanks for the heads up, I misread a comma for a semicolon.
I feel so smug now (played Rippers only once, I am a Terradon fan). :D The other thing I noticed is that we suddenly can use all those command...
Wow, Terradon Riders are super fast and MEGA squishy now. And bolas got worse.
Oh and I am torn about the comet spell being on there warscrolls. On one hand it is good as it means that they all can use it any time (not in the...
Dammit. I just remembered that I don't have enough handlers for my Razordons. I converted them to other stuff...
Something else being ridiculously broken doesn't mean ours isn't good.
It is a 24" shot. If it did more damage it would probably be too good as a hero sniper. At least that's what they probably thought. And it is an...
Yeah I am watching 4chan /tg and even there it is only the spanish ones we have seen already.