Awsome bat rep, But your cheating with regen, It can only affect the slaan and the unit he is with Looks like yo had a good night
Ok, well that's easily sorted. Monster and handler rules don't affect movement in any way, So you can always march and shoot and get -1 to hit...
Not true, Savage orc spears did too, not that anyone uses them
No, 2 attacks on the front rank, 1 attack on the second and third, 4 th too if you run a horde
no, the only way to change your unit type is say if a characters mount dies, but then he mearly reverts back to being infantry as per his statline...
they both work together, the FAQ says ADD the monster and handler rule into their profile, so, they are skirmishers who can march and shoot, and...
an interesting point, thankfully, i dont have anything that stomps. but still warmachines are neither infantry or warbeasts, the crew are not...
The breath attack works in the same way as a fire thrower, Again, GW ip prevents anyone telling you exact details, Go buy a book
If any one can be bothered to type them all out, sure, but they can't put points costs or descriptions,...
I'd take chameleon skinks or terries to kill war machines, Cor will kill anything he has,short of a HPA or a doom wheel if they make it into...
You can only have 3 groups of sallies, So youl have to run 1 group of 2 You REALY lack bodies, Only two blocks in 2k, Still, You have a pair of...
Remember you can't pick a lore every time you play, you have to choose it when you write a list, With that in mind, take death, Since both armies...
Ok, have base coated 1000 points of mauderers of chaos and pulled of a lovely conversion of a daemon prince crossed with a trygon, ala the what's...
Fine, a seal then, You all knew what i ment.. :D
Awwww crap Pulls out paint boxes, Well on the upside. I've got a weeks holiday, Piccys later then I guess
No, sorry, spears or throwing spears,,,:p :)
If you can name one other race with javelins I will without sleeping, finish every hobby project currently on my desk, (this will of course...
Javalin rules had to change to fit in with the new edition, blow pipes did not, Besides it takes quite a while to reload a blowpipe, Longer than...
Yes it does, bane head affects any wounds caused by the bearer, Spells missile fire or in close combat
Compulsery moves are usually things with random movement, like spawn or squiggly hoppers, who have weird and wacky movement values, Just follow...